Google as a calculator
You can type basic arithmetic into google and will calculate answers very quickly. For e.g try typing into the search bar:
- 234 squared
- 124 + 76 - 199
- 1243*2
Google Measurement Conversions
Another great use is converting measurements. For try typing in one of the following:
- 2 cups to ml
- 236 minutes to secs
- 365 days to minutes
Currency conversions
- 100 USD to NZD (American to NZ)
- 300 NZD to AUD (NZ to Aussie)
World weather and times
- weather invercargill NZ (Probably raining)
- what time is it? (The time in your local area)
- time london (the time in london)
Dictionary Definitions
The first entry at the top of the page will be the dictionary definition
- define prestidigitation
- define philosophy
Public data
Perhaps you would like to know the population of a city, or the birth rate?
- population Erowal Bay Australia
- birth rate egypt
Map searches
You can bring up a map of (almost) any area on earth
- Newcastle Australia map
- London map
Number Ranges
Very useful when searching for a range of numbers or dates
best movies 2001..2007
Search Refinements
Below are some very handy search refinements. Most times when searching a particular subject google returns millions of hits for you to wade through. We all know how difficult it can be to track down very specific data on the net by just typing in a few words. Here are some great tips.
If you want to search for an exact phrase, use quotes. ["swine flu victims"] will only find that exact phrase. [swine "flu victims] will find pages that contain the word swine and the exact phrase "flu victims".
Fill in the blank
If i want to know the date that Einstein was born, i could use the wildcard feature *. It will look for the exact phrase i ask for and fill in the wild card.
- " Einstein was born on the *"
- "A * by any other name" should return the wild card rose
Everything except
Imagine i am searching for the James Bond character "Pussy Galore". You can imagine which types of sites i will get back if i simply type in that name. So i can use the - operator to stop google including certain other words.
"pussy galore" -sex -porn -girls
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